Pune citizens fed up with increasing garbage burning incidents contributing to air pollution

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The garbage burning stories from the city are increasing everyday with residents alleging the failure of the civic authorities in handling waste responsibly as well as failing to impose fines on the violators. This has resulted in multifold increase in number of garbage burning incidents in the city making air contaminated subjecting locals to a wide range of health risks.

170 instances of trash burning were reported to PMC, with an average of 22 incidents per month. The civic body claims that in an effort to mitigate the situation, squads have been activated in every civic ward to combat garbage burning.

However, the public said that the civic body needed to take much more action to put out garbage fires and that its current actions were insufficient. Garbage fires were more common on open plots and near bodies of water, according to a resident. Sometimes in the early morning, they can see fumes coming from open spaces. The burning of trash must end immediately.

In October alone, there were 170 confirmed cases of garbage burning, according to a PMC solid waste management department official. Thus far in November, fines have been assessed in 27 cases. To prevent such situations, the PMC has instructed civic teams to maintain a careful vigilance. There will be additional vigilance.

According to a civic activist, the administration ought to focus more on the recently combined areas where waste management is still subpar. Garbage that has accumulated is often observed to catch fire if it is not removed within a few weeks. Along the river, the dry garden waste is frequently set ablaze.

According to a Residents’ Association member, they have been pursuing the matter with the administration for quite some time.

A resident of Pashan complained that we are inhaling toxic air which is leading to severe infections among people.

Another resident from NIBM road complained. That even after the PMC is reported about such instances there is no action. The online complaints are closed without resolving them.

According to a PMC official, he inquired about keeping a weekly log of the steps taken to prevent garbage burning from the ward offices.

Shreyas Vange