Pune Citizens Unite for “Ramnadi Celebration Walk” in Bhugaon, Bavdhan and Bhukum to Commemorate River Cleanup Efforts

Pune Citizens Unite for "Ramnadi Celebration Walk" in Bhugaon, Bavdhan and Bhukum to Commemorate River Cleanup Efforts
Local initiative revitalises neglected Ram River, sparking community celebration and renewed environmental focus.
10 June 2024
In a heartening display of community-driven activism, residents of Bhugaon, Bavdhan and Bhukum joined forces for a spirited “Ramnadi Celebration Walk” on 9th June, marking a significant milestone in the restoration of the Ram River. Once plagued by neglect and pollution stemming from sewage discharge and official indifference, the Ram River has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to the unwavering dedication of local advocates and concerned citizens.
The catalyst for change can be traced back to a decisive legal intervention initiated by Advocate Krunnal Gharre, Anil Karanjawane and a coalition of proactive residents who filed a case with the National Green Tribunal (NGT), demanding urgent action to address the deteriorating condition of the Ram River. This legal recourse served as a wake-up call for authorities, igniting a renewed sense of responsibility and commitment to environmental stewardship.
Undeterred by bureaucratic hurdles and sluggish official responses, the community took matters into their own hands, embarking on a grassroots campaign to clean and rehabilitate the river and its surrounding ecosystem. Volunteers rolled up their sleeves, undertaking the arduous task of clearing debris, repairing sewage lines and restoring vital infrastructure to mitigate further pollution.
“This is the first instance where citizens have come together to repair and maintain sewage infrastructure and cleaned the river themselves,” said Adv. Gharre. “The execution took only twenty days, but one year of investigation and planning was the key. We had gps-mapped every sewage location and had a clear plan. This proves that proper planning can achieve results without wasting taxpayer money. We will ensure Ramnadi regains its former glory.”
Anil Karanjawane added, “If people come together, mountains can be moved. We hope this inspires PMC to clean Ramnadi in their area. PMC has the budget, but lacks initiative due to bureaucracy. Nevertheless, Ramnadi will be clean.”
The movement has garnered support from Mrs. Aarti Karanjawane, Adv. Ganesh Tharkude, Mr. Deepak Chondhe, Mr. Mauli Satpute, Mr. Akshay Satpute, Mrs. Vaishali Sanas, Adv. Varsha Chavan and others. We hope this success story awakens the PMC to take assertive action and clean the Ramnadi within their jurisdiction and also encourages other citizens to undertake such initiatives.