Pune civil aviation expert suggests creation of several facilities at Pune Airport

Amidst Lok Sabha Elections, Pune airport gears up by increasing non-scheduled flights by 20%

Amidst Lok Sabha Elections, Pune airport gears up by increasing non-scheduled flights by 20%

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Dhairyashil Vandekar, a Pune-based civil aviation expert, has suggested many facilities & amenities to be created at Pune Airport such as baggage belts, improved ventilation, passenger pick-up and more.

As per further information shared by Dhairyashil Vandekar, “With Pune airport’s old terminal to be closed for renovation etc. after the new terminal is opened for operations, there was anxiety that it may limit the handling capacity of the new terminal temporarily. I was happy to note that AAI has decided to increase the number of CUTE Check-in Counters in the new Terminal building from 34 to 49 as the new terminal has 34 CUTE counters as compared to 38 in the old terminal.”

“I have brought the following points/requirements/suggestions to the kind attention of authorities:

·         Increase Baggage Reclaim Belts in new terminal: The number of Baggage Reclaim (BR) belts be increased in the new terminal building from 5 to 7 in case the 4 BR belts in the old terminal cannot be used when operations start from the new terminal. This is required in view of enhanced pax handling capacity of the new terminal and to avoid delayed baggage deliveries and extra time required by passengers to spend at the airport on arrival resulting in crowding.

·         Increase CUSS Kiosks in new terminal: CUSS Kiosks be increased in the new terminal from 15 to at least 20 if not 25 if the 15 kiosk in old terminal are not available for use;

·         Improve ventilation and cooling in FOB: Temperatures are soaring and it is experienced while going through the FOB connecting Aero Mall with the Airport Terminal that it was very hot and stuffy especially during afternoons, making one feel uncomfortable. There is a need for sufficient ventilation and air cooling within the FOB especially in peak summers.

·         Steps to prevent Pigeon menace at the new terminal: In my experience, the support structure of the canopy erected outside the new terminal and some areas of façade are likely to provide place for roosting, nesting and sheltering for the pigeons. We all are aware of the public health and nuisance issues pigeons can cause with their droppings etc. and also the risk like bird hits etc. to flight operations. It is requested that AAI takes all necessary preventive action in this regard.

·         Devise Traffic Plan to facilitate pick-up of passengers by cab from Arrival area: With availability of the new road from airport to Viman Nagar and additional space now available outside the new and old terminal, it is requested that a new traffic plan be worked out that allows pick-up of passengers by cabs from the new terminal building. Going by Pune airport’s passenger profile, this is necessary for seamless travel connectivity from Pune airport, save time and enhance passenger experience. Travelling to Aero Mall from the airport in buses and golf carts not only involves switching different modes of transport, shifting baggage, for exiting from the airport but also spending extra time within and around the airport area adding to the congestion and rush, which can be avoided. Also, travelling in golf carts during peak summer and monsoon may prove extremely inconvenient for the passengers. I requested AAI to kindly ensure passengers are able to seamlessly exit from the Pune airport in as little a time.”

“While appreciating the magnificent aesthetics and modern structure created at the new terminal, which is necessary for creating a pleasant ambience, greater focus is also required for creating a hassle-free and memorable travel experience through Pune airport for the air passengers. It is necessary that the airport is able to meet the air passengers increasing demands for seamless connectivity, ease of access and world class facilities and hassle-free services at the airport, which is what actually matters for the air passengers. Along with the beautiful aesthetics and architectural brilliance, I will feel more proud if Pune airport is also recognised by air passengers for ease of travel, world-class facilities and top-class efficient services.”

Shreyas Vange
