Pune Family Takes Proactive Approach To Fix Potholes, Aiding Commuters

Pune Pulse
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PUNE: An enterprising family, consisting of three members including a seven-year-old boy, has embarked on a mission to alleviate the woes of commuters grappling with pothole-ridden roads near Nyati Estate – Corinthinans Club road in Mohamadwadi.

Speaking with Pune Pulse, Fahmin Hussain elaborated on their motivation, saying, “Witnessing the challenges that commuters face as they navigate around potholes to ensure safe passage, and in light of the commencement of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on August 15, 2023, we were compelled to contribute by repairing these road hazards. Embracing the wisdom of the famous adage ‘You must be the change you want to see,’ our vision is to witness our city rid of potholes.”

Expanding on their efforts, she added, “The endeavor of rectifying potholes on Nyati Estate – Corinthinans Club road is an ongoing endeavor, with six potholes having already undergone repairs. On Independence Day, we successfully addressed fifteen potholes along Undri Road, utilizing resources such as bricks, cement, and sand to ensure the safety of travelers. Our expenditure remained minimal as we transported the requisite materials by car. Upon reaching the targeted sites, we swiftly located the potholes and initiated immediate repairs.”

“The concoction employed for these repairs is not a permanent fix for the potholes, yet it notably reduces the likelihood of accidents in our vicinity. This proactive step aims to curtail recurring mishaps. It is my aspiration that this initiative will motivate the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to take a more robust and earnest approach toward road repairs.”

Ashish Jagtap, in his contribution, shared, “Prompted by our seven-year-old son’s curious inquiries about the potholes during our travels within the city, we opted to channel our energy constructively, devoid of any grandiose proclamations, animosity, or complaints. In a city where nearly every road bears the blemish of potholes, sometimes even spanning the entire stretch, we realized the gravity of the situation leading to daily perils and accidents. It is imperative for all of us to join hands in enhancing this situation, free from accusations, as we endeavor to create safer roads.”

He went on to express, “During our labor on the bustling road, it was hard not to notice the gaze of many passersby. Their encouraging looks and words of praise were a testament to the positivity our efforts evoked. Two-wheeler riders were particularly appreciative of our work. Interestingly, a group of enthusiastic youngsters in their twenties enthusiastically joined our mission, boosting my resolve. This experience has ignited a commitment within me to dedicate one day each week to mend as many potholes as possible. My aspiration is to progressively tend to all the potholes in our vicinity, fostering safer roads for all.”

Madhupriya Dhanwate
