Pune News : Millets form an integral part of mid day meal menu in Anganwadis

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Date: July 10, 2023

Pune, Maharashtra Rubal Aggarwal, the Commissioner of the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in Maharashtra, visited an Aanganwardi Center in Wagholi, Haveli Taluka, to inspect the VCDC Program.

Pune has made remarkable strides in tackling malnourishment, with the current number is 95 Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) cases and 402 Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) cases. 

These achievements can be attributed to the rigorous screening processes, systematic interventions, and continuous efforts implemented by the ICDS in collaboration with Health Department. Recognizing the importance of a multifaceted approach, the ICDS in Pune has adopted the MSD Formula – Medical, Surgical, and Dietary interventions – to combat malnourishment comprehensively.

During the visit, Rubal Aggarwal interacted with Aanganwardi Sevikas of Haveli Taluka who were undergoing training on the Poshan Tracker system, a digital tool provided by the Government of India, designed to streamline the monitoring and evaluation of child nutrition programs. This technology-driven initiative aims to enhance the efficiency of data collection, analysis, and reporting, enabling a more informed decision-making process. By leveraging the power of real-time data, the Poshan Tracker system allows for targeted interventions, better resource allocation, and continuous monitoring of the nutritional status of children.With the ability to track and analyze vital indicators such as growth patterns, dietary intake, immunization status, and health records, this digital tool empowers frontline workers and policymakers with invaluable insights. By capturing accurate and up-to-date information, the Poshan Tracker system enables prompt identification of at-risk children, ensuring timely interventions and personalized care.

Rubal Aggarwal’s visit to the Aanganwardi Center and the introduction of the Poshan Tracker system reflect the commitment of the ICDS and Pune Zilha Parishad to stay at the forefront of innovative approaches in combating malnourishment. By combining technology with the existing efforts and initiatives, Pune is well-positioned to continue making significant progress in addressing malnourishment challenges. The Poshan Tracker system, with its data-driven insights and streamlined monitoring capabilities, is poised to revolutionize the way child nutrition programs are implemented and evaluated, ultimately leading to improved outcomes for children in need.

Rubal Aggarwal, also visited the exibition of food items that could be cooked using millets. Pune Zilha Parishad has included millets in the menu for Mid Day Meal in Aanganwadi on the instructions of Government of India. Aanganwadi Madatnis And Sevikas have prepared delicious food items for the children, including cakes, sheera, ladoos etc. The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session in March 2021 declared 2023 the International Year of Millets. 

During the interaction with the Aangawadi Sevika – Baby Care Kits and the premix of milk-horlics that have been distributed to all children in Aanganwardis across the district was also distributed. The event was attended by Chief Executive Officer of Pune Zilha Parishad, Ayush Prasad and Deputy Chief Executive Officer Jamsing Girase.
