Pune News: MSEDCL slaps bill of Rs. 1.27 crore to Koregaon Park based commercial electricity consumer for power theft  

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Pune News: MSEDCL slaps bill of Rs. 1.27 crore to Koregaon Park based commercial electricity consumer for power theft  

Pune: It has been revealed that a commercial electricity consumer at Koregaon Park in Pune city stole 3,37,215 units of electricity by tampering with the meter and has been billed Rs 1.27 crore. 

A campaign was launched by Ankush Nale, Director of Pune Regional Division, against electricity theft, and the theft was recently found by his team.

To record less electricity consumption, the said customer inserted resistance in the electricity meter and tampered with the meter’s seal. As a result, the metered electricity consumption was 79% lower than the actual consumption. The Indian Electricity Act of 2003’s section 135 states that this electricity user has received a bill for Rs. 1,27,50,000. The consumer has already paid the bill in full and a compromise charge of Rs. 6.6 lakh on top of the bill.

Recently, the Regional Director, through a circular, directed the authorities to inspect the premises of customers with loads of 20 KW and above and submit a report. This brought to light the electricity theft and action is being taken against electricity thieves.

A campaign against electricity theft is being implemented in Pune, Sangli, Satara, Sangli, and Kolhapur districts leading to a situation of panic among electricity thieves.

Nividita Kelapure 
