Pune Prepares for Monsoon: Citywide Drainage Cleaning Underway

Pune Prepares for Monsoon: Citywide Drainage Cleaning Underway

Pune Prepares for Monsoon: Citywide Drainage Cleaning Underway

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A PMC worker clearing debris from a city drain as part of pre-monsoon preparations in Pune.

As the monsoon season approaches, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is diligently working to ensure the city’s drainage systems are cleared. The goal is to complete all cleaning activities by May 15, focusing on key areas prone to water logging and blockages.

Dinkar Gojare, who leads the PMC’s drainage department, shared that the cleanup started on March 26. The plan includes tackling crucial spots throughout the city, marked by potential blockages. Each area has been assigned to contractors and PMC staff who are following a daily schedule to ensure efficiency. Gojare is confident that 80% of the necessary work will be completed by the mid-May deadline, with the remaining minor issues sorted by the end of the month.

In addition to the drainage efforts, PMC’s building department has equipped every ward with at least one JCB machine to help clear the nullahs, focusing on areas recently incorporated into the city limits. This effort is supported by corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, enhancing the cleaning drive, which has been active for the past eight days. The PMC is also working on improving water quality in lakes through de-filtering processes initiated by their vehicles department.
