Pune Railway Division Fines Over 25,000 Ticketless Individuals in June

Pune Railway Division fine more than 23,000 ticketless people in October

Pune Railway Division fine more than 23,000 ticketless people in October - Pune Pulse

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In June 2023, a staggering number of 25,377 individuals were caught traveling without tickets during ticket inspections conducted by the Pune Railway Division. As a result, fines totaling INR 2,14,61,000 were collected from the offenders. Additionally, 8,477 people were fined INR 50,95,000 for irregular travel, while 164 individuals faced fines of INR 21,000 for carrying unbooked luggage.

This stringent action was carried out under the guidance of Divisional Railway Manager Indu Dubey, Additional Divisional Railway Manager Brijesh Kumar Singh, and Senior Divisional Commercial Manager Dr. Milind Hirve, in coordination with Divisional Commercial Manager Dr. Ramdas Bhise, along with the assistance of ticket inspectors and the Railway Security Force.

The railway administration continues its ongoing ticket checking campaign, urging passengers to travel with valid tickets to avoid penalties under the Railway Act. Failure to pay fines may result in imprisonment.
