Pune Ranks Seventh Among World’s Most Congested Cities in 2023 Traffic Index

Pune Ranks Seventh Among World's Most Congested Cities in 2023 Traffic Index

Pune Ranks Seventh Among World's Most Congested Cities in 2023 Traffic Index(Tom Tom Index)

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The TomTom report 2023 states that Pune made it to the list of top-10 most congested cities worldwide. Last year, the average travel time to cover 10 kilometers in Pune was 27 minutes and 50 seconds, which increased slightly from 2022. New Delhi, the capital of India, ranked 44th in congestion, taking around 21 minutes and 40 seconds to cover the same distance. Mumbai ranked 54th, with an average travel time of 21 minutes and 20 seconds for 10 kilometers.

In 2023, Bengaluru, the capital of Karnataka, saw a slight improvement in traffic, dropping from the second to the sixth spot in the TomTom Traffic Index. This means there was less congestion, and it took less time to travel around the city. For example, in 2022, it took around 30 minutes to drive 10 kilometers in Bengaluru, but in 2023, it decreased to 28 minutes for the same distance. London remains the most congested city in the world, taking about 37 minutes and 20 seconds to cover 10 kilometers.

TomTom Traffic analyzed 387 cities in 55 countries, comparing the average travel times. They considered various types of vehicles, including petrol, diesel, and electric, to assess traffic efficiency globally.

Here are the top 10 most congested cities in 2023 according to the TomTom Traffic Index:

  1. London
  2. Dublin
  3. Toronto
  4. Milan
  5. Lima
  6. Bengaluru
  7. Pune
  8. Bucharest
  9. Manila
  10. Brussels