Pune: Residents of Kalyani Nagar Seek Relief from Noise Pollution, Appeal Shashi Tharoor To Resolve Issues

Pune: Residents of Kalyani Nagar Seek Relief from Noise Pollution, Appeal Shashi Tharoor To Resolve Issues

Pune: Residents of Kalyani Nagar Seek Relief from Noise Pollution, Appeal Shashi Tharoor To Resolve Issues

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Kalyani Nagar, Pune: Concerned residents of Kalyani Nagar in Pune took a proactive stance against the escalating issue of noise pollution that has been disrupting the tranquillity of their neighbourhood. In a significant development, a crucial meeting was held on May 6, 2024, where Team Swachh Kalyani Nagar (TSKN) engaged in discussions with Dr Shashi Tharoor, former Central Minister of the Government of India, to address this pressing concern.

TSKN is comprised of vigilant citizens dedicated to maintaining cleanliness, hygiene, and safety in the locality. They expressed their distress over the rising levels of noise pollution originating from multiple sources. These sources include the blaring music from nearby establishments, continuous construction activities, and the perennial problem of traffic congestion due to a lack of crowd management. The cumulative effect of these disturbances has profoundly impacted the peace and well-being of residents, particularly during the late hours of the night, and even more so during the weekends.

Members of TSKN highlighted the adverse health effects caused by noise pollution, recounting instances of senior citizens experiencing palpitations and migraines, and children struggling to concentrate on their studies due to the constant disruptions. The once-serene ambience of Kalyani Nagar has been overshadowed by stress and anxiety, necessitating immediate attention and intervention.

Dr Shashi Tharoor, during the meeting, exhibited sincere empathy towards the residents’ plight, acknowledging their fundamental right to reside in a peaceful environment. He assured the attendees of his commitment to taking decisive actions to address the issue post-election, which will highlight the significance of reinstating tranquillity in the community. Furthermore, Dr Tharoor pledged to collaborate with the Congress candidate for the constituency, advocating for stringent measures to combat any form of harassment faced by the residents. This assurance reflects his dedication to championing the cause of the people and ensuring their well-being.

Organized by Dr Haji Zakir Shaikh, the meeting served as a pivotal platform for fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration with the political representatives in pursuit of viable solutions and state or constituency action to mitigate noise pollution in Kalyani Nagar.

The gathering exemplified the collective determination of the residents and the proactive approach adopted by local leaders and authorities to address community concerns effectively. As Kalyani Nagar strives to reclaim its serenity amidst the urban bustle, the collaborative efforts spearheaded by TSKN and supported by influential figures like Dr Shashi Tharoor offer hope for a quieter and more harmonious future for all residents.
