Pune RTO Tackles Unauthorized Agents By Fixing Technical Issues

Pune RTO Introduces WhatsApp Helpline For Commuters Facing Auto Rickshaw Issues

Pune RTO Introduces WhatsApp Helpline For Commuters Facing Auto Rickshaw Issues

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To eliminate the influence of unauthorized agents at the Regional Transport Authority (RTO) offices, the Pune RTO collaborated with the National Informatics Centre (NIC) on Friday to solve technical problems that often force people to seek help from these agents.

During the meeting, they pinpointed key issues, like the mismatch between the Aadhaar card names and those used in online RTO applications, and glitches during home-based exams. These technical barriers lead to unnecessary dependency on RTO agents. The RTO is set to bring these issues to higher transport authorities to make the necessary procedural changes.

Sanjeev Bhor, the Regional Transport Officer for Pune, explained that when applying for a license, the full name on the application must match exactly with the Aadhaar card. This mismatch often drives applicants to agents. He stated, “Aadhaar card authentication doesn’t require a middle name, but for a license, the full name with the middle name is important to prevent misuse. We will address this issue with the higher authority.”

Another significant issue discussed was the overly sensitive sensors during home exams, which detect minor screen movements and disrupt the test, often causing applicants to fail. The RTO plans to adjust this to ensure fair testing conditions.

Previously, the RTO faced problems with agents freely entering and exiting the exam hall, which sometimes led to candidates passing exams without actually sitting for them. In response, the RTO has now restricted agent access to the exam area.

Furthermore, for those applying for an Additional Endorsement of Driving Licence (AEDL), which allows drivers to add new vehicle categories to their licenses without a test, there are some existing technical issues. However, this process can be done from home, and these problems will be discussed and resolved in the upcoming meetings with the NIC.
