Pune Society From Hinjawadi Entirely Dependent On Water Tankers Takes Unique Steps For Water Conservation

Pune Society From Hinjawadi Entirely Dependent On Water Tankers Takes Unique Steps For Water Conservation

Pune Society From Hinjawadi Entirely Dependent On Water Tankers Takes Unique Steps For Water Conservation

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Park Connect Society hosts Water Cup for its residents.

1 May 2024

By Khushi Maheshwari 

Located in Hinjawadi Phase 1, the newly established Park Connect Society is entirely dependent on tankers for the water needs of its residents, and as of yet does not have any other source since it does not come under any corporation.

With water scarcity issues in the city that continue to multiply, the members of the society took it upon themselves to not only come up with means to save water but also turn it into a healthily competitive and fun activity; this was done in the form of ‘Water Cup’ wherein the residents had to insert water aerators into taps to regulate the flow of water. 

Aerators help to save 5 litres of water in one minute, according to Tushar Khaire, member of the Park Connect cultural team; therefore, he calculated that if every one of the 832 flats has an aerator installed in their taps, they will be able to conserve 40 thousand litres of water every day. 

Relishing the competitive spirit, residents participated in this water conservation activity. 3-4 individuals from every building were appointed as water soldiers and these water soldiers were in charge of fitting aerators in every household that they could convince. 

For a building to emerge victorious, the parameters were as follows:

  1. Saving water by multiple means
  2. Percentage of maximum water saved per number of flats occupied in the building after installing aerators in the building 

4-5 water soldiers were appointed from each building to compete on their building’s behalf and the best water soldiers’ team would also be rewarded. 

Finally, the A block of the society emerged as the winner whereas I block was recognized for having the best water soldiers team. The society as a whole reached the 500 milestone. Most of the residents agreed to have the aerators inserted while some (like tenants who would need to ask for permission from the owners of the property) did not. 

Elucidating the 500 milestone and what it means for the future months, Tushar said, “If all the 500 flats use water aerators every day, we will be saving about 20,000 litres of water every day, if we are to consider that each house saves about 40 litres every day.” He added that they will be saving the cost of 50-60 tankers per month if they go by this data. 

He urged everyone to use water judiciously all through the year so that the groundwater level does not deplete and no one has to suffer due to water scarcity; reiterating the message of revered freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi he added, “The world has enough for everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed.” 
