Pune : Wagholi Residents Express Concern Over Lack of Basic Facilities Despite Paying High Taxes

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PUNE: The Team Wagholi Against Corruption in Wagholi has expressed concern regarding the lack of basic amenities and the high demand for property tax. 

A meeting was held during which promises were made to provide water supply, drainage, and road development, among other things.

However, subsequent follow-up revealed that copies of the final DPR for water supply and drainage would not be provided, details of roads would not be provided in writing, and no update had been given on whether PMC would provide tankers until the water supply project was completed.

While talking to Pune Pulse, Anil Kumar Mishra, President of Team Waco, added, “How can PMC levy such a significant amount of property tax [Gram Panchayat + PMC] in Wagholi when there is not a single drop of water supply to Wagholi residents ? People are meeting with accidents on a daily basis and dying due to underdeveloped roads like Ivy Estate entrance road, Bakori road, Fulmala road, Bawadi road, Kesnand road, Domkhel road, etc. There is no proper drainage system in Wagholi at all. The PMC Commissioner had agreed with Team WACO to supply Wagholi residents with water through PMC tankers, but it seems to be another false commitment as nothing has been done yet.”

Vinay Jagtap, Secretary , Team Waco, added, “Despite being assigned duties, PMC workers are not working. Wagholi residents are facing numerous issues with water and road facilities. We pay heavy taxes, yet these basic facilities are not provided to us. We intend to file a petition in the High Court and demand a stay on paying property tax until all facilities are provided.”

Sushil Deo Pandey, Treasurer of Team Waco, added, “There are no proper drainage and water facilities provided. People are paying a significant amount of money for water tankers despite paying taxes. PMC has promised Rs 1500 crores for drainage work, Rs 230 crore for the water project, and 210 crores for road development, but it appears that these commitments are false.”

Madhupriya Dhanwate
