Pune Weather Update: Monsoon Likely to Arrive In City Within Four Days, Predicts IMD 

Pune Weather Update: Monsoon Likely to Arrive In City Within Four Days, Predicts IMD 

Pune Weather Update: Monsoon Likely to Arrive In City Within Four Days, Predicts IMD 

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The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecasted that the monsoon will arrive in Pune within the next three to four days, bringing thunderous weather and rainfall patches until June 7. This will also result in a reduction in the city’s daytime temperature.

Weather and Temperature Predictions : 

Rainfall and Thunderstorms: Expected until June 7.

Temperature Drop: The daytime temperature is expected to range between 34 and 36 degrees Celsius, compared to the 36.6°C recorded at both the Shivajinagar and Lohegaon observatories on Sunday, which was 1.3°C above normal.

Humidity Levels: Currently high, causing uncomfortable nights, but expected to decrease with the onset of rainfall and cooler temperatures.

Dr Anupam Kashyapi, the former head of the forecast division of IMD Pune, highlighted that this year’s monsoon progress is on track compared to last year when it reached Maharashtra about ten days late, impacting the Kharif season farming activities.

A senior IMD official noted that conditions are favorable for the further advancement of the southwest monsoon, with enhanced moisture levels and cloud development over the state. The monsoon is expected to first hit the coastal region of Konkan and cover Maharashtra by June 6, one day earlier than usual.

High chances in Madhya Maharashtra, including Pune district, over the next two to three days.

Fields are being readied, and seeds are adequately supplied to farmers, who are hopeful for timely rainfall to support sowing during the Kharif season. Many districts are currently facing a water crisis, making the monsoon’s arrival crucial.

The anticipated arrival of the monsoon in Pune is expected to bring much-needed relief from the heat and humidity, while also playing a critical role in agricultural activities across the state. The IMD’s forecast suggests a timely and favorable onset of the monsoon, promising positive outcomes for both the environment and the farming community.
