Sound from Wakad bars giving sleepless nights to Balewadi residents

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Nividita Kelapure

The sound emanating from the pubs and bars increases at night, in spite of the rule that it is an offence to operate a loudspeaker after 10pm.  

Residents of 6 societies in Balewadi area have been suffering from the noise of pubs and bars in Wakad for the past many days.  In November, they filed a complaint in Wakad police station. The policemen have visited the pubs and warned them about the noise levels but the situation remains the same. 

“Even after complaining in November, the situation is the same. It is disturbing,” said Sudarshan Jagdale, a resident of Balewadi society. 


 ” We have complained many times earlier. After we filed the FIR with Wakad police station, the noise levels came down.  Last night (Tuesday night) there was a loud sound till 11 o’clock. We complained to 112 and the sound stopped for 10-15 minutes only. If the situation does not change, we will have to take the right way to go against it, “Rahul Gadem, another resident of Balewadi society. 

 Speaking on this, Rajesh Mhasalkar, PSI Wakad police said, “Appropriate action has been taken. We have taken this case to the court and now the decision will be given by the court. Whenever we have received complaints from the society in Balewadi, we have taken action and fines have been imposed on the pub in Wakad. The next action is the court. “
