Sukhoi Fighter Jet Crashes in Nashik; Pilot and Co-Pilot Eject Safely

Sukhoi Fighter Jet Crashes in Nashik; Pilot and Co-Pilot Eject Safely

Sukhoi Fighter Jet Crashes in Nashik; Pilot and Co-Pilot Eject Safely

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A Sukhoi fighter jet crashed in a field in Maharashtra’s Nashik today. Despite suffering minor injuries, both the pilot and the co-pilot managed to eject safely.

According to a senior police officer, the crash occurred near Shirasgaon village. Visuals depicted a plume of smoke rising from the crash site, with the twin-engine aircraft engulfed in flames and a crowd gathering nearby.

The aircraft, which had taken off from Ozar in Nashik, was on a test flight following an overhaul by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), sources told NDTV. It was not currently part of the Indian Air Force’s inventory.

Emergency services and police arrived promptly at the scene, and medical treatment was provided to the pilots.

Sukhoi’s Ejection System

The Su-30 is equipped with the zero-zero NPP Zvezda K-36DM ejection seat, designed by Russia. This system allows pilots to escape from critical situations at low altitudes or speeds, and even during ground mishaps. The advanced ejection capability ensures safe pilot egress.

The ejection system, part of the overall ‘Egress’ system, includes explosives beneath the seat, the canopy, and parachutes. The ejection angle is vital, as the aircraft’s forward motion requires the ejection line to be perpendicular to move the pilot safely away from the aircraft.

During ejection, pilots endure high g-forces, up to 20 times the normal force of gravity, which can cause severe injuries and may prevent them from flying again. The exact injuries sustained by the Su-30 pilots in today’s crash are not yet clear.
