Tenancy agreements in Maharashtra hit by technical snag

Tenancy agreements in Maharashtra hit by technical snag

Tenancy agreements in Maharashtra hit by technical snag(representational image)

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Due to the non-linking of Aadhaar data with the UIDAI server, citizens of the state have been unable to register their leave and license registrations online for more than a week.

A similar issue also arises for those attempting to e-register their property documents from the developer’s offices.

A resident reported that he attempted, but was unsuccessful, to register his agreement online multiple times. If the document isn’t registered, he fears he won’t be able to move into his new place.

According to an authorized service provider, he gets requests every day for the execution of at least five of these documents. However, as of last Saturday, he has been advising his clients to hold off until the technical problem has been fixed. The registration process is halted even though they are able to enter the necessary information on the e-registration website. The problem arises during the biometric authentication process, making it impossible for the lessor or lessee to validate their biometric authentication.

The registration department was unrelated to the technical issue, according to an official. They have been in constant contact with the state IT department to find a solution because the e-registration process is being hampered. Both the citizens’ inconvenience and the department’s ability to collect revenue are being negatively impacted.

Senior registration officials went on to say that since the system was unavailable for more than a week and no leave or license registrations were made, the state exchequer might have to bear a loss of about Rs 8–10 crore. Every day, the state sees between 3,000 and 5,000 e-registrations on average.

Many residents visited the sub-registrar office to check on the status of their documents last year due to technical difficulties with the state property registration web portal, which had left them anxious. The Association of Service Providers has also made demands for a reliable backup system in order to spare the public from suffering due to malfunctions in technology.
