Thief on Mumbai airport caught; Tried to smuggle gold through date boxes

Thief on Mumbai airport caught; Tried to smuggle gold through date boxes

Thief on Mumbai airport caught; Tried to smuggle gold through date boxes

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Customs officials have seized a total of 2 kg 99 grams of gold in five separate operations at the Mumbai International Airport in the last two days. The price of this gold in the international market is 1 crore 72 lakh rupees.

According to information received, this gold was smuggled by some Indian and foreign travellers from Gulf countries. Customs officials had received specific information about gold being smuggled. Accordingly, the officials had laid a trap outside the flights entering Mumbai from abroad.

After the movements of some passengers became suspicious, when they were questioned and checked, this gold was found with them. In one case, gold was found hidden in a date box. In the rest of the cases, it was found that the thieves had hidden the gold in clothes and bags.

On March 14 and 15, the customs officials have exposed this gold smuggling. Earlier, in two days from March 10 to 12, a total of 4 kg 22 grams of gold was seized at the Mumbai airport in eight separate cases. The price of that gold was 2 crore 35 lakh rupees.
