Viral trend: “What’s Wrong with India?” Indian Government Joins in

What's Wrong with India
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Users on social media platforms have begun trending the hashtag ‘What’s wrong with India?’. Through this, people are swiftly sharing posts, photos, or videos. Not only that but several memes have also been circulated, which are both informative and entertaining. 

On Wednesday, this hashtag became the top trend in India, with over three lakh posts. 

Some users have attracted attention to the trend by posting about recent events that have occurred in the past few days. However, some have also criticized it.

Following the emergence of this trend, the Indian government has also participated in it. Official handles, including @MyGovIndia, have shared photos and videos. 


As a result, this trend has sparked further discussions. Over the past two years, approximately four images highlighting the country’s achievements have been shared by the official handle. 

These clips mention India’s achievement in alleviating extreme poverty, becoming the first country to successfully land on the south pole of the moon, and IMF chief’s praise for India’s progress in adapting to a rapidly growing economy and embracing digital basics, among other things. However, while sharing this, @MyGovIndia captioned it as ‘What’s wrong with India?’, which has prompted users from other countries to share photos and videos of similar events and criticize the Indian government in a satirical manner. This contrasts with others’ views.

Users have pointed out that it is imperative to understand how the algorithm of X is promoting posts with the phrase ‘What’s wrong with India?’ and presenting a true picture to the world. 

Some sarcastic posts shared under the hashtag ‘What’s wrong with India?’ include predictions by financial services company Jeffery, that India’s GDP may reach up to $5 trillion in the next four years and become the third-largest economy by 2027, surpassing Japan and Germany.
