Book on Honeybees launched in an event in Chandrapur

Book on Honeybees launched in an event in Chandrapur

Book on Honeybees launched in an event in Chandrapur

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Sanjay Marne, a retired forest official from Pune Forest Department, has written a book called ‘Madhmashi – Sanrakshan va Samvardhan’ which is about saving & preserving honeybees. The book was launched at an event in Chandrapur on 24th February.

As per further information about the book shared by Sanjay Marne,“We are committed to helping natural bees and their habitats. We pledge to cultivate an environment friendly natural habitat free from harmful pesticides. This allows these important pollinators to thrive in their natural state.”

“We pledge to protect and nurture bees, recognizing their vital role in the environment. It also vows to promote friendly practices and contribute to the welfare of these vital bees.”

“Reducing pollution and preserving natural habitats by increasing commitment to environmental stewardship, supporting sustainable agriculture, raising awareness about the important role of bees in the environment, supporting local beekeepers and creating an environment conducive to their health, preserving biodiversity, promoting healthy ecosystems by promoting a variety of plants, species and ensures the continuation of the interconnectedness of lives.”

“Let us all take a pledge to protect and conserve bees by keeping bees. Let’s save honeybees!”

Sanjay Marne has also written to Sudhir Mungantiwar, Cabinet Minister for Forests, Cultural Affairs and Fisheries in Maharashtra Government, requesting him to announce honeybees as ‘Rajya Kitak (State Pest)’ of Maharashtra.
