Central Railway completes railway track doubling work on Daund-Manmad Route

Central Railway completes railway track doubling work on Daund-Manmad Route - PunePulse

Central Railway completes railway track doubling work on Daund-Manmad Route - PunePulse

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The Central Railway (CR) completes the doubling work of Belvandi-Visapur Section on Daund-Manmad route.

As per further information shared by Central Railways, the Belvandi-Visapur section of 14.03 km doubling work in Daund-Manmad route completed successfully on 09/11/2023.

Commissioner Railway Safety (CRS) Manoj Arora given the safe certification of newly opened double line after safety inspection. Vivek Kumar Gupta/Chief administrative officer construction, DRM/Solapur Neeraj Kumar Dohare were also present during inspection.

Speed trial of 123 kmph conducted successfully between Belvandi-Visapur section.


Central Railways has completed 161.80 km multitracking (new line/doubling/3rd/4th line) in 5 divisions in current FY from April 2023 to till date 2023.

·         Rs 3890 Crores planned by CR in this year for new lines/doubling/3rd/4th line/gauge conversion

·         Rs 2990 Crores expenditure till date

The details of Daund-Manmad Doubling Work are:

·         Length- 236.61 km

·         Completed doubling- 134.31 km (56.76%)

·         Cost- Rs 2081.27 Crs

·         Expenditure till date- Rs 1572.28 Crs

·         Overall physical progress- 67%

Ø  Completed doubling- 134.31 Km (56.76%):

§  Kashti-Visapur

§  Sarola-Akolner

§  Padhegaon-Puntamba

§  Kanhegaon-Manmad

Ø  Near completion section (Likely commissioning this financial year)- 54.04 Km (20.39%):

§  Nimblak-Padhegaon

Ø  In progress- 54.04 km (22.85%):

§  Daund-Kashti

§  Visapur-Sarola

§  Akolner-Nimblak

§  Puntamba-Kanhegaon

·         Land acquisition required- 68.16 Hectare

·         Land acquisition completed- 13.14 Ha (20%)

·         Land acquisition remained- 55.02 Ha (80%)

Ø  Completed works details:

ü  Earthwork- 116.87/162.04 lakh cum (72%)

ü  Blanketing- 2.4/4.0 Cum (62%)

ü  Major bridges- 11/28 (39%)

ü  Minor bridges/Road Under Bridges- 100/117 (86%)

ü  New station buildings- 11/21 (52%)

ü  Track linking- 154/290 track km (53%)

ü  OHE (Overhead equipment) Foundations- 2400/6000 (40%)

ü  OHE Mast erection- 2000/4800 (42%)

ü  OHE Wiring- 150/290 track km (52%)

ü  Signalling New Electronic Interlocking- 6/22 stations (27%)

ü  Signalling indoor & outdoor works- 16/36 (44%)

Completion of Daund-Manmad section doubling will help to increase train mobility and will reduce train crossing detention time & congestion of section.
