Poona Riverside Round Table India 105 Takes Nine Underprivileged Students on a Journey of Dreams in a maiden flight

Poona Riverside Round Table India 105 Takes Nine Underprivileged Students on a Journey of Dreams in a maiden flight

Poona Riverside Round Table India 105 Takes Nine Underprivileged Students on a Journey of Dreams in a maiden flight

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Pune, India – 26 February 2024

Poona Riverside Round Table India 105 (PRRT105) embarked on a heartwarming initiative called “Flight of Fantasy” on 25th February 2024, aimed at providing a life-changing experience to nine underprivileged students from Zilla Parishad School of Purandar, Pune.

The initiative, spearheaded by PRRT105, sought to offer these nine deserving students from Purandar their first-ever flight experience from Pune to Mumbai. Amidst excitement and anticipation, the students boarded the plane, their faces beaming with joy as they soared through the skies for the very first time.

Upon arrival in Mumbai, the students were greeted with warm hospitality and taken on a guided tour of the city’s iconic landmarks. From the majestic Gateway of India to the serene beauty of Girgaon Chowpaty beach, each stop on the itinerary left the students in awe of Mumbai’s vibrant culture and rich heritage.

One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to K. Rustom’s, where the students indulged in the famous kesar pista ice cream, savoring every moment of the sweet treat by the sea. They also had the privilege of witnessing prominent landmarks such as T2 Mumbai International Airport, Maharashtra Police Headquarters, and the historic Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.

The students were accompanied by Chairman of PRRT105 Paresh Lodha and were hosted with unparalleled generosity by Mumbai’s tables, including BRT2, BNRT 19, MMRT 200, and MBRT 313, who provided delicious meals, arranged local transportation, and sponsored recreational activities such as boating.

“Flight of Fantasy” not only provided these students with a memorable day out but also instilled in them a sense of wonder and possibility. It was a testament to the power of community and the spirit of giving, as PRRT105 and its partners came together to create an experience that will be cherished by these students for years to come.
