Pune : Annual Asian Waterbird Census 2024 to take place at Ujani Reservoir

Pune : Annual Asian Waterbird Census 2024 to take place at Ujani Reservoir

Pune : Annual Asian Waterbird Census 2024 to take place at Ujani Reservoir

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On March 3rd, 2024, the inaugural Waterbird Census program will take flight at Ujani Reservoir as part of the Annual Asian Waterbird Census (AWC), in partnership with the Wildlife Research and Conservation Society (WRCS) and Solapur Forest Department.

Renowned for its diverse bird population, Ujani Reservoir is home to over 300 avian species, encompassing ducks, cuckoos, waterfowl, and waders, both indigenous and migratory. Serving as a vital sanctuary, the reservoir offers crucial habitat for these feathered inhabitants.

Despite their ecological significance, these birds face numerous threats, including habitat degradation, pollution, and the impacts of climate change. Collaborative initiatives hold the key to mitigating these challenges and safeguarding avian populations.

Individuals passionate about avian conservation are invited to participate as volunteers in the inaugural Ujani Waterbird Census 2024.

Registration is open at https://forms.gle/md4ubmHG5oVhwM418.

This citizen-science endeavor aims to gather essential data on waterbird populations, aiding in the analysis of distribution patterns and behaviors. It presents a valuable opportunity for citizens and wildlife enthusiasts to contribute actively to the conservation and research of nature’s winged wonders.

Manasi Patil
