Pune : 90,000 owners filed PT 3 forms to get property tax benefits

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The civic body had asked citizens, who did not get tax benefits from Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to fill PT 3 form to get tax benefits. Following the appeal made by the administration, over 90,000 property owners have filled out the form to get tax benefits in 2024-2025. Following this, Madhav Jagtap, Head of Taxation and Tax Collection Department, announced that 90,000 property owners will receive a discount on their tax bills for the year 2024-25.

Between 2018 and 2023, some citizens did not receive a 40 per cent exemption in property tax. However, in 2023, the state government reinstated the property tax exemption through a separate order. As a result, the Tax Department of the PMC requested such citizens to fill out PT-3.

After careful examination, these property holders have been granted tax relief starting from the upcoming financial year. The discounted property tax bills will be dispatched from April 1 through various means including SMS, mail, online, and speed post.

This decision aims to alleviate the tax burden on property holders and ensure fair taxation practices within the city. The municipal administration is committed to providing necessary support and relief to its citizens in matters of taxation.
