Pune : Illegal digging of newly opened partial NIBM Cloud 9 road foiled by residents

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Residents of NIBM road in Kondhwa were in deep shock when few unidentified people were digging the newly opened partial Cloud 9 road.

The residents complained that a few unidentified people tried to take electricity connection from a nearby grocery store. But the shopkeeper denied. They went ahead and tried to take connection from the security section of Supreme Greenwoods society. The security personnel from Supreme Greenwoods informed the secretary who in turn came down and sorted the matter.

Giving details, Yuvraj Lonkar said, “The secretary informed about the matter and I immediately rushed to the spot.

The people were unable to provide justification whether they had official permission from the PMC or not.

Bhupendra Phatak, secretary, Supreme Greenwoods told Pune Pulse that a few people came with all digging related equipment to dig the new road to lay water pipeline of 1 inch on the newly constructed road from Greenwoods to The Ark. My Watchman alerted me and i immediately stopped the work. I called up Yuvraj Lonkar and Kondhwa police station Sonawane Santosh. Hearing the noise, many nearby society residents too gathered at the location. The men ran away when they were gheraod by so many people. They did not have any permission from PMC.”

Lonkar further stated that the people who came to dig the road had no prior permission. When we enquired initially they started giving vague answers that a society ahead of Cloud 9 had sought permission but when even the local residents questioned they had no answers or required documented permission from PMC. “When we tried connecting the PMc water department official they weren’t available to comment on the issue,” Lonkar added.
