Pune Metro informs about emergency provisions on Metro stations & inside trains

Pune Metro informs about emergency provisions on Metro stations & inside trains

Pune Metro informs about emergency provisions on Metro stations & inside trains

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The Pune Metro has notified the passengers travelling about the emergency provisions like emergency helpline etc made inside Metro trains, on Metro stations, in Metro station lifts etc.

As per further information from Pune Metro “Do you know this? Necessary arrangements have been made for essential services or immediate assistance during the journey of Pune Metro and you can use it at the time of need. Pune Metro is committed to your safe and comfortable journey.”

Pune Metro further shares that,

·         For emergency help in train (coach), press button and speak

·         For emergency help on platform press button (box in yellow color located near Metro station lifts) and speak

·         To stop the train in case of an emergency on the platform, break the glass & press the switch (box in red color located near Metro station lifts)

·         To stop the train in case of a fire (fire box located near Metro station lifts)

·         For emergency help in Metro lifts, press button and speak

Shreyas Vange
