Pune News : MNGL gas supply disrupted due to leakage and fire incident on Salunke Vihar road

MNGL gas supply disrupted due to leakage and fire incident on Salunke Vihar road
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Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited Pipeline on Salunke Vihar road caught fire today morning as a miscreant allegedly lit the garbage dumped in the nala. 

Manik Kadam, Director, MNGL informed that the Pipeline located in the Nala on Salunke Vihar road caught fire today as a miscreant set the garbage on fire. “Now, we have undertaken the work to restore the supply. The damaged pipeline is being replaced now, ” he added. 

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Fire Officer Pradeep Khedekar from Central Fire Brigade. Bhavani Peth informed that the fire is brought under control now. The cooling down of the fire is being held presently. Once the fire is cooled down completely other steps to dilute the gas will be held. The MNGL officials are also informed and they will take further action. There are 5 fire tenders and 15 member team who extinguished the fire. 


An unidentified car parked near the Nala also was damaged in the incident. 

Kadam further informed that for safety purpose the gas supply has been stopped and shall be restored within next two hours. We need time to fix a new pipeline. 
