Road Safety Lessons Mandatory For School Students in Maharashtra, Saturday Lessons for 2 Crore Students

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Maharashtra is ready to introduce road safety as a mandatory subject for students from Class 1 to 10, starting from the next academic year (2024-25). 

Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar announced this initiative to instil safe road practices in young minds and curb accidents.

Classes will be held every Saturday, covering the theoretical and practical aspects of traffic rules, first aid, riding and pedestrian safety, helmet and seatbelt importance, and traffic laws. Audio-visual aids will enhance learning. “Traffic rules are instructed abroad, and we want to create similar awareness here,” said Kesarkar, highlighting the potential impact on over”Two crore students are present across the state.”

The initiative stems from a proposal by the state transport department and aligns with the minister’s keenness on road safety education. A senior official confirmed the plan’s implementation from the next academic year.

Kesarkar emphasized the importance of starting young, citing the high number of two-wheeler accident fatalities and the need for early adoption of safety habits. He even mentioned the helmet debate, drawing a comparison with responsible practices in other countries. This move aims to significantly contribute to road safety awareness, potentially saving lives in the future.
