Security tightened at YCM Hospital after patient’s son assaulted doctor

Pune Pulse

Security tightened at YCM Hospital after patient's son assaulted doctor

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By: Pune Pulse

December 13, 2023

Pune: Two days after a doctor was assaulted by the son of a man who passed away from tuberculosis on Sunday, the Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital (YCMH) in Pimpri increased security at two of its intensive care units (ICUs) on Tuesday.

According to a senior YCMH official, the man was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). His family members were notified about the death.  The man’s son sobbed in front of his father’s body and then abruptly turned to the doctor’s office. He assaulted and beat the doctor who was on duty, after slapping the assistant.

The senior official stated that the man’s family had been informed about his serious condition by the doctors who were attending to him. Nevertheless, the son unprovokedly attacked the doctors.

The official stated that there are two intensive care units (ICUs) on the first floor and went on to say that those two ICUs have been cordoned off. The ICU will only allow those with passes to visit with their family members. A police complaint has been filed against the man.

Hospital employees, including the doctors, staged a protest to call for more security. They withdrew their protest after being informed that hospital security would be heightened.
