Summer is here, lemon prices in Pune jump to Rs 7 per piece

Unseasonal Rains Cause Sudden Drop in Lemon Prices in Pune

Unseasonal Rains Cause Sudden Drop in Lemon Prices in Pune

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Amidst the onset of summer, consumers find themselves grappling with a sudden surge in lemon prices, sparking concerns across the board.

Formerly priced at Rs 5 per piece, lemons now command Rs 7 apiece, marking a significant escalation. Forecasts predict further hikes in the forthcoming months.

Mahendra Kalbhor attributes this price hike to rising temperatures. He notes a stark contrast in lemon prices, with the cost per kilogram skyrocketing from Rs 30-70 to Rs 60-100. Such exponential increases are felt keenly by both vendors and consumers, significantly altering market dynamics.

Vendors, who traditionally anticipate heightened demand for lemons during summer, are now met with subdued interest due to the escalating prices. A vendor in Vimannagar laments the dwindling demand, attributing it directly to the inflated costs. Despite this, vendors find themselves bound to market rates, unable to deviate lest they compromise their profitability.

Conversely, residents express varying sentiments towards the price surge. While some, like a Viman nagar local, indicate a willingness to maintain their lemon consumption despite the increased costs, others, such as a Kalyani nagar resident, opt to curtail their purchases to mitigate the impact on their wallets.

Nevertheless, the consensus remains: lemons, viewed as indispensable, continue to occupy a central place in consumer preferences, despite their escalating prices.

As lemon prices continue their upward trend, the landscape of consumer behavior and market dynamics undergoes notable shifts. Vendors and consumers alike find themselves navigating through uncertain terrain, grappling with the enduring effects of this unforeseen price surge.

Manasi Patil  
