Two arrested by police for attacking YCM hospital staff and doctor

Two arrested by police for attacking YCM hospital staff and doctor

Two arrested by police for attacking YCM hospital staff and doctor

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Father and his child were detained by the police after they beat up the doctor due to an argument regarding a CT scan. After that, the doctor started beating the father-child in police custody. As soon as the police stopped them, the doctor rushed to the police and punched them. After that, two doctors were badly beaten up by the police on Sunday midnight at YCM hospital.

A commotion ensued as doctors and police clashed with each other in the hospital. So, no complaint was filed in this case. However, a case has been registered in Pimpri police station against the father & child for beating up the doctor and obstructing government work.

Riya Patil, Pranav Patil and Sharman Arlen were brought by Norman Lirus Arlen (aged 48) and Sharveen Norman Arlen (aged 23) to the YCM Hospital at around 1 am after being injured in Moshi. Three were treated by two resident doctors studying at the Post Graduate Institute of YCM Hospital.

Riya was then asked to undergo a CT scan. However, the patients demanded that they will not do a CT scan. They demanded that the doctors give them the ‘MLC’ paper early and increase the number of injuries. Due to this, there was an argument between the two doctors and Norman and Sharveen who were with the patients.

The father & child i.e. Norman Lirus Arlen and Sharveen Norman Arlen beat and abused the two doctors. Also, they threatened that they are familiar with MLA. Police personnel working at YCM Hospital went to the spot as soon as they came to know about this type of beating. They immediately took Norman and Sharveen into custody. The doctor started beating the father-child in police custody.

However, the police stopped them. This angered the doctor. They ran at the police and pushed them. The police also got angry due to the shock in front of other patients and they also pushed the two doctors. This was confirmed by senior officials. The matter was resolved through mediation by senior municipal officials and senior police officers. 
