Heartwarming Rescue: Two Puppies Freed from Tar Drum by Kondhwa Khurd Fire Station and Animal Rescuers

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In a heartwarming incident on July 29, 2023 (Saturday) at approximately 10 am, a rescue team comprising officials from PMC Kondhwa Fire Department and the Wild Animals and Snakes Protection Society came to the aid of two puppies trapped in a tar drum behind DSK Society, Kondhwa, Parge Nagar.

The distressing situation required immediate action, and the team wasted no time in springing into action.

Ravi Bartakke, the officer from PMC Kondhwa Fire Department, recounted, “Upon arriving at the scene, we discovered two puppies stuck in a drum filled with a substantial amount of tar. Apparently, the locals had brought this drum down from a high mountain area using a tractor. Working in conjunction with the animal welfare group, we launched the rescue operation promptly and handed the rescued puppies over to the animal rescuers. It was a challenging task, but we successfully completed it.”

Anand Adsul, a dedicated member of the Wild Animals and Snakes Protection Society, shed light on the rescue process, saying, “The tar drum posed a unique challenge, but with the help of the fire department officials, we devised a plan to free the two puppies. Using specialized equipment, including a circular saw and fire fighting devices, we carefully cut the drum into two parts. Employing various small rescue tools from the fire engine and using oil, we managed to gradually extract the precious little souls from their sticky predicament safely. The entire rescue operation took approximately one hour.”

The joint effort of the PMC Kondhwa Fire Department and the Wild Animals and Snakes Protection Society exemplifies the compassion and dedication of individuals who go above and beyond to ensure the safety and welfare of innocent animals. The successful rescue of these adorable puppies is a testament to the importance of cooperation and quick action in such critical situations.

It is heartening to know that there are such caring and proficient teams committed to safeguarding animals in distress. The rescued puppies can now look forward to a better life, thanks to the swift and skillful rescue operation carried out by the heroes from the fire department and the animal welfare group.

Let this heartwarming rescue story serve as a reminder of the importance of animal protection and inspire others to lend a helping hand to creatures in need whenever the opportunity arises.

Shreyas Vange
