Pune Lawyer’s Unique Bond with Cows: Takes Them to Malls for Outings

Pune Lawyer's Unique Bond with Cows: Takes Them to Malls for Outings

Pune Lawyer's Unique Bond with Cows: Takes Them to Malls for Outings

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 In a city known for its vibrant culture and diverse lifestyles, one young lawyer stands out for his unique passion—raising cows. Unlike typical pets like dogs or cats, Abhishek Jagtap, a lawyer residing in the upscale Market Yard area of Pune, has embraced the rural tradition of cow-keeping right in the heart of the city.

Abhishek owns two Punganur cows, a rare breed from Andhra Pradesh known for their compact size, standing just about two and a half feet tall. He believes that cows bring a constant wave of positivity into his home. “Whenever I come home tired, just like cuddling a small child, petting the cows instantly refreshes me and brings joy,” he says.

The two cows, named Lakshmi and Radha, live as part of the family. They are involved in daily activities, sitting beside Abhishek during prayer times and meals. The presence of these cows, he says, not only reduces maintenance costs but also adds a unique charm to his household. His young son also enjoys their company, finding it exciting to be around the gentle creatures.

Interestingly, Abhishek takes his cows on outings, including trips to the local mall, where they attract considerable attention. People often stop to take pictures with them, fascinated by the sight of cows in an urban setting. “When we take them to the mall, everyone looks at them with admiration and many take photos,” he shares.

Abhishek’s practice of integrating cows into his city life highlights a rare blend of urban and rural lifestyles, bringing a sense of serenity and happiness to his household.
