Pune University hosts International Youth Festival

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The International Centre at Savitribai Phule Pune University is hosting the International Youth Festival 2022-23, with the theme “One Earth, One World, One Family.”  A sports festival with separate football tournaments for boys and girls, food festival and cultural festival will be part of the event. 

The sports festival started on January 25th with the football tournament for boys which took place at the Football Ground Sports Complex on the university campus. The tournament for girls will take place on February 1st at the same location.

The food festival will be held on February 3rd, starting at 6 pm at the International Centre Building on the university campus. The cultural festival will take place on February 10th at the International Centre Building.

“The International Youth Festival is an opportunity for students from around the world to come together and celebrate diversity and unity through sports, food, and cultural performances. The university community is looking forward to welcoming participants and visitors from all over the world to this exciting event” said Vijay Khare, Humanities Department, SPPU. 


Nividita Kelapure 

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