Pune : Young Environmentalists Embark On Ramnadi Restoration Mission

Pune : Young Environmentalists Embark On Ramnadi Restoration Mission

Pune : Young Environmentalists Embark On Ramnadi Restoration Mission

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Vasantdada Primary School’s students have taken up the mantle of the Ramnadi Restoration Mission (RRM), a commendable initiative aimed at rejuvenating the riverbanks of the Ramnadi stretch in Pashan. Every Saturday for five consecutive weeks, around 80-90 enthusiastic students gather to meticulously clean the riverbanks, displaying their unwavering commitment to environmental conservation.

The RRM is not merely confined to Someshwarwadi; rather, its vision extends across India, aspiring to inspire schools located near riverbanks nationwide to embrace cleanliness initiatives. Spearheaded by students and supported by residents, this movement underscores the importance of environmental stewardship.

Krunal Gharre, a dedicated member of RRM, highlights the students’ longstanding dedication to this cause, emphasizing their resilience in restarting the initiative post-COVID-19 disruptions. He also acknowledges the role of school curricula, particularly the Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) subject, in fostering environmental consciousness among students.

Despite the passage of time, the importance of environmental preservation remains paramount, resonating particularly with younger generations. By actively engaging in riverbank cleaning activities, students demonstrate their commitment to nurturing a sustainable future.

However, challenges persist as citizens continue to neglect their responsibility towards environmental upkeep. Krunal Gharre advocates for proactive solutions, emphasizing the need for widespread awareness campaigns and improved waste management infrastructure.

Sushma Bhavsar, overseeing the initiative at Vasantdada Primary School, expresses delight at witnessing students’ enthusiasm during the weekly clean-up drives. While students derive satisfaction from their efforts, they lament the recurring issue of citizens’ negligence, highlighting the imperative for collective action to combat environmental degradation.

In essence, the Ramnadi Restoration Mission embodies the spirit of grassroots environmental activism, driven by the determination of young minds to foster a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come.

Manasi Patil 
